Saturday, February 28, 2015

Tapped on phone 7 times. Now an Android developer! :D

Nothing has been really tough so far! Just some little tweaks in the build.gradle files I had to make to the sunshine app to make it run, all have been listed in the documentation of the course.

Enabled USB Debugging on my android device and to check if my computer detected the device, ran the following command to obtain some result.

$adb devices

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Developing Android Apps: Installing Android Studio on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

I followed the link: with some modifications since the process described there seems expired.

  1. I had OpenJDK pre-installed so I continued using it.
  2. Installed Android Studio using these set of commands:
              $sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu-make
              $sudo apt-get update
              $sudo apt-get install ubuntu-make
                        //Note: ubuntu-make is the new name for ubuntu-developer-tools-center
              $umake android
  3. Installed Android Debug Bridge (adb)

              $sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb

  4. Installed Sqlite3

              $sudo apt-get install sqlite3

Then I launched the installed Android Studio and followed the steps for installing the SDK and accompanying software... This took a while.

We're going to build the "Sunshine" app in this course and I'll be only talking the highlights (which are meant to remove obstructions/induce motivation and to be taken along with the class videos, links to which I've provided in my previous post).

Sunshine is basically:
and the branches are named and made chapter-wise.

UPDATE: All of the course code for Sunshine can be found here, on the Udacity GitHub page. This is the second version of the Sunshine codebase for the course and it was released on February 13th 2015. A change log can be found here.


Hello Folks!

How are you doing?

My GNOME days are sort of behind me but that doesn't mean I've stop writing!

I've regained my health and am back to rocking the world with my chilling products and learning experiences.

What I've been up to in silence besides my job has been updated on my github repositories: SPOJ (which is about Sport Programming and past hackathons' problems involving Data Structures and Algorithms solved by me, a work in progress) and TestPOI (which is a tool for generating Data sets for a test database by shuffling records in an excel spreadsheet using Apache POI). Check them out! ;)

In the next few blogging sessions, I'll be talking about my growth as an android developer as I progress through classes on Developing Android Apps (Android Fundamentals) and UX Design for mobile Developers (Learn to design a 5-star Android App)!

So stay tuned!

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