Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Beware of Multiple internet versions

Some time ago, I submitted an email to malwarebytes with data depicting the presence of multiple websites for an original tricking people into targetted scams.

In light of yesterday's (12 October, 2021's) news where malwareBytes admits and warns users of the same, I'd like to point out that not only for sites like the site where one can be tricked into a duplicate site with malformed hyperlinks, even the Search Giant, Google's site has many duplicate websites, including 1 which I found my own internet pointing to on nslookup.

Here are the relevant screenshots worth the surprise:

Below you can see that my entry points to the IP address whose reverse DNS lookup is the site-name which I have copied and hit with my web browser as seen in the above screenshot.

For your reference my /etc/resolv.conf, which is used for local entries for DNS lookup remained auto-generated, and looked like this (notice trail):


Also, with today's announcement of the Honourable Prime Minister of India, where he warns everyone of cyber misinterpretation, such facts come to the rescue of the citizens of the world and provoke them to be more cautious by making them wary and aware!

Any such websites should be immediately reported and taken down from the internet's DNSes and a regular blacklisting of these should be automated and checked every very frequently on all the World Wide Web's DNSes in my honest opinion. Honestly said, the internet is not safe any more and it's even more evident with such data!

In light of the same, and for the lack thereof, to create more awareness and an actionable log of referable observations, Let's Code_ will be launching a dedicated platform where people will be able to report cybersecurity incidents.

Keep aware and stay safe!

Best of Love and Luck,

Yours Truly,
Chandni Verma
Chief Editor,
Let's Code_

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